The European Parliament votes against the children’s right to know their parents

Publié le 8 Jun, 2015

The NOICHL resolution proposal was adopted by the European Parliament with a majority of 60 votes, which is rather low compared to the crushing majority that led to the adoption of the Tarabella report on 10 March 2015.


This report by the German MP of the Socialist and Democrat Progressive Alliance Group, Maria Noichl, submitted under the name of “EU Strategy for Gender Equality after 2015”, promotes abortion, the issuing of the contraceptive pill free of charge to minors, and MAP (medically assisted procreation) without a father.


This proposal follows a long list of similar initiatives including the “Estrella” report (which was thrown out after strong European support), which goes against compliance with subsidiarity. This field falls within the remit of the Member States and not the EU.


The importance of supporting adoption “of the right of all children to know their parents”, was rejected by the socialists.  Whereas right wing European MPs rejected § 67, “the Commission called for support for Member States in creating university chairs to study gender and feminist research”.


The following points remain:


  -MAP without a father,


  -Access to abortion for everyone,


   -Humanitarian aid must provide access to abortion for women and young girls who are victims of rape in armed conflicts (opposing the assistance proposed on 27 May 2015 by the Church of Nigeria for women raped by Boko Haram),


   -Access to contraception for young people,


   -Sex education programmes in schools.


The proposal for an alternative resolution put forward by the PPE was rejected by a majority of 62 votes.


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