The United Kingdom ranks number one for end-of-life quality of care

Publié le 6 Oct, 2015

A study entitled “The 2015 Quality of Death Index. Ranking Palliative Care across the World” published on Tuesday and managed by the Economist Intelligence Unit in eighty countries, has shown that the United Kingdom is the first in the world in terms of palliative care.


The United Kingdom scored 93.9% thanks to “a large integration of palliative care within its public health system (NHS) and a highly developed hospice sector”. In this classification, France scored 79.4% and ranked in ninth place.


The study showed that “the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) resolution on palliative care has created a powerful incentive to develop this care for all Member States”. Finally, according to the WHO, twenty million patients require palliative care each year. According to the study, “Whether it is a case of cutting costs or improving quality of life or patient survival rates, developing palliative care should be a priority for all health services across the world”.


Note from Gènéthique:

In France, on opening the debate during the second reading by the National Assembly of Claeys-Leonetti’s draft bill, the Health Minister outlined the key elements of the three-year plan to be implemented (cf. Gènéthique vous informe du 6 octobre 2015).

Arte (06/10/2015)

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