United States – most young adults disagree with Democrats on abortion

Publié le 4 Feb, 2019

Over the past three years, US democrats have fought to expand access to abortion and have created a national information platform on the subject.


The American media claim that most young people under the age of 34 in fact advocate this policy. However, a new survey by Students for Life of America has revealed that the situation is quite different in reality.  Generation Y, one of the largest electoral blocs in the US, is also one of the most cautious when it comes to human life. Only 7% of 18–34 year-olds agree with the creation of a publicly funded national platform on abortion, and 42% oppose abortion “in its broadest sense”. This study could disrupt the democrat’s system, which relies mainly on its credibility with a surprisingly pro-life age group. Kristan Hawkins, president of Students for Life of America, said that “labels such as pro-life, pro-choice, access, health or women’s rights often overshadow the real meaning of the policies currently sweeping the country“.


Another study by Marist Poll confirms these figures, explaining that “74% of Americans, including 54% who identify themselves as ‘pro-choice’ support ‘significant restrictions‘ on abortion”, regardless of background and political affiliation. Young people also have a surprisingly negative view of family planning.

Daily Signal, Tony Perkins (15/01/19)

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